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UX Camp Hamburg is a non-profit event that has been run by volunteers since its beginning. Every year, our goal is to offer a welcoming, inclusive event for all people interested in the broad topic of UX to exchange, network, learn. And above all: have fun!

We are dependent on our lovely sponsors to enable us to make this great day happen for the UX community.

Sponsoring options


Main Sponsor: 1,800*

Our four Main Sponsors will be on everyone’s mind on Bar-Camp day – guaranteed!

Draw attention as a Main Sponsor and…

  • have both a session room and a session track named after you,

  • put up whatever branding, flyers, and swag you like in this room,

  • tell everyone how awesome your company is: in a 3-minute presentation at the beginning of the day,

  • get 4 tickets to UX Camp Hamburg for your representatives,

  • put your job ads on our on-site job board for our 200 participants to see,

  • have your logo printed on our event posters (large),

  • be mentioned in Instagram and LinkedIn posts to more than 1,300 followers,

  • be mentioned and linked in our e-mail newsletter, and

  • have your logo and link placed on our website,

Support Sponsor: €500*


We offer our Support-Sponsor package to all companies that believe in great UX as a driver for their business and want to attract new talent and invest in employer branding, while being a little more cost-conscious.

As a Support Sponsor, you…

  • get 2 tickets to UX Camp Hamburg for your representatives,

  • can put job ads on our on-site job board for our 200 participants to see,

  • have your logo printed on our event posters (small),

  • will be mentioned in Instagram and LinkedIn posts to more than 1,300 followers,

  • will be mentioned and linked in our e-mail newsletter, and

  • have your logo and link placed on our website,

Party Sponsor: €1,000*


You can be the one and only Sponsor for our after-show party!

As a Party Sponsor, you…

  • can bring flyers and give-aways to the party,

  • get 2 tickets to UX Camp Hamburg for your representatives,

  • can put job ads on our on-site job board for our 200 participants to see,

  • have your logo printed on our event posters (small),

  • will be mentioned in Instagram and LinkedIn posts to more than 1,300 followers,

  • will be mentioned and linked in our e-mail newsletter, and

  • have your logo and link placed on our website,

Sweets / Coffee Sponsor: €1,200*


These two sponsors – one for coffee, one for sweets – will sweeten every break!

As a Sweets or Coffee Sponsor, you…

  • can put up your branding and flyers around your corner,

  • get 3 tickets to UX Camp Hamburg for your representatives,

  • can put job ads on our on-site job board for our 200 participants to see,

  • have your logo printed on our event posters (small),

  • will be mentioned in Instagram and LinkedIn posts to more than 1,300 followers,

  • will be mentioned and linked in our e-mail newsletter, and

  • have your logo and link placed on our website,

* plus 19% VAT

You're already decided? Great!

Write us an e-mail and we will come back to you soonish.